Paper storage and recovery of GPG keys
To avoid disastrously losing your private keys, they should be redundantly backed up in a robust manner in a safe location.
As one possible approach, we will store the GPG keyring as QR codes, print them on paper, and demonstrate recovering the keyring. Do note that this method excludes backing up the trust database.
For general GPG usage, consult my previous post on handling GPG keys.
Consult the Internet or your distro’s package mirrors for the following packages:
Exporting the key
First, we’ll peruse gpg’s manual pages about exporting keys:
Same as --export, but exports the secret keys instead. The exported keys are written to STDOUT or to the file given with option --output. This command is often used along with the option --armor to allow for easy
printing of the key for paper backup; however the external tool paperkey does a better job of creating backups on paper. Note that exporting a secret key can be a security risk if the exported keys are sent over an
insecure channel.
Important point being, never transmit private keys over an insecure medium.
Export your private and public keys into a keyring:
$ gpg --export-secret-keys --export-options export-minimal > private-keyring.gpg
The reason I am not using paperkey
is that it requires corresponding public keys to be stored elsewhere. I want both private and public keys stored on the paper for easier retrieval in case of emergency.
Backing up the key
Let’s base64 encode the keyring and split it into smaller bytes because of QR code storage limitations1:
$ base64 private-keyring.gpg > private-keyring.base64
$ split -d -C 2500 private-keyring.base64 splitkey-
Then, we’ll use qrencode
2 to create QR code pictures:
$ for i in splitkey-*; do qrencode -r $i -o "$i.PNG"; done
Finally, concatenate the pictures into a single photo for printing purposes:
$ montage -mode Concatenate -tile 2x splitkey-*.PNG keyring-qr-codes.PNG
Then, print this on paper.
Recovering the key
Now, what to do when this paper backup is your only option left?
Scan the QR codes from the paper as JPEG, for example (EDIT: Actually, do PNG3).
Use zbarimg
to decode the QR codes as data:
$ zbarimg --raw qr-codes.jpg > keyring.base64
Your mileage will probably vary on the scan’s success rate. I had to manually crop the QR codes into separate JPEGs in order to construct the resulting base64 in correct order. zbarimg
also adds newlines to the scanned data, so essentially manual reconstruction of the base64 data is needed.
Now, you can import it into a gpg instance:
$ base64 -d keyring.base64 > keyring.gpg
$ mkdir -p .gnupg/private-keys-v1.d
$ gpg --homedir .gnupg --import keyring.gpg
$ gpg -K
You should now be able to decrypt any private data stored.
This approach is just one solution for backing up your GPG keys and recovering them in case of emergency. Also, if disaster strikes, it is good to have some routine/documentation on the recovery actions. This article serves as such document.
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