Let's code a TCP/IP stack, 3: TCP Basics & Handshake
Now that our userspace TCP/IP stack has minimal implementations for Ethernet and IPv4, it is time to look into the dreaded Transmission Control Protocol (TCP).
Operating on the fourth OSI networking layer1, transport, TCP is responsible for repairing erroneous connections and faults in packet delivery. Indeed, TCP is the workhorse of the Internet, providing reliable communications in virtually all computer networking today.
TCP is not exactly a new protocol - the first specification came out in 19742. A lot of has changed since then and TCP has acquired many extensions and corrections3.
This post will delve into the basic theory behind TCP and attempts to give motivation for its design. Furthermore, we will look into the TCP header and discuss establishing a connection (TCP handshaking). As the last step, we’ll demonstrate the first functionality of TCP in our networking stack.
- Reliability mechanisms
- TCP Basics
- TCP Header Format
- TCP Handshake
- TCP Options
- Testing the TCP Handshake
- Conclusion
- Sources
Reliability mechanisms
The problem of sending data reliably may seem superficial, but its actual implementation is involved. Mainly, several questions arise regarding error-repair in a datagram-style network:
- How long should the sender wait for an acknowledgement from the receiver?
- What if the receiver cannot process data as fast as it is sent?
- What if the network in between (a router, for example) cannot process data as fast as it is sent?
In all of the scenarios, the underlying dangers of packet-switched networks apply - an acknowledgement from the receiver can be corrupted or even lost in transmit, which leaves the sender in a tricky situation.
To combat these problems, several mechanisms can be used. Perhaps the most common is the sliding window technique, where both parties keep an account of the transmitted data. The window data is considered to be sequential (like a slice of an array) and that window “slides” forward as data is processed (and acknowledged) by both sides:
Left window edge Right window edge
| |
| |
...| 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |...
^ ^ ^ ^
| \ / |
| \ / |
Sent and Window size: 3 Cannot be
ACKed sent yet
The convenient property of using this kind of a sliding window is that it also alleviates the problem of flow control. Flow control is required, when the receiver cannot process data as fast it is sent. In this scenario, the size of the sliding window would be negotiated to be lower, resulting in throttled output from the sender.
Congestion control, on the other hand, helps the networking stacks in between the sender and receiver to not get congested. There are two general methods for this: in the explicit version, the protocol has a field for specifically informing the sender about the congestion status. In the implicit version, the sender tries to guess when the network is congested and should throttle its output. Overall, congestion control is a complex, recurrent networking problem with accompanying research still being done to this day.4
TCP Basics
The underlying mechanisms in TCP are much more involved than in other protocols like UDP and IP. Namely, TCP is a connection-oriented protocol, which means that an unicast communication channel is established between exactly two sides as a first step. This connection is being actively taken care of by both sides: Establishing the connection (Handshaking), informing the other party of the data’s state and possible problems.
The other important property of TCP is that it is a streaming protocol. Unlike UDP, TCP does not guarantee applications steady “chunks” of data as they are sent and received. Rather, the TCP implementation has to buffer the data and when packets get lost, reordered or corrupted, TCP has to wait and organize the the data in the buffer. Only when the data is deemed intact, TCP can hand the data over to the application’s socket.
As TCP operates on data as a stream, the “chunks” from the stream have to be converted into packets that IP can carry. This is called packetization, where the TCP header contains the sequence number of the current index in the stream. This also has the convenient property that the stream can be broken into many variable-sized segments and TCP then knows how to repacketize them.
Similarly to IP, TCP also checks the message for integrity. This is achieved through the same checksum algorithm as in IP, but with added details. Mainly, the checksum is end-to-end, meaning that both the header and the data are included to the checksumming. In addition, a pseudo-header built from the IP header is included.
If a TCP implementation receives corrupted segments, it discards them and does not notify the sender. This error is corrected by a timer set by the sender, which can be used to retransmit a segment if it was never acknowledged by the receiver.
TCP is also a full-duplex system, meaning that traffic can flow simultaneously in both direction. This means that the communicating sides have to keep the sequencing of data to both directions in memory. In more depth, TCP preserves its traffic footprint by including an acknowledgement for the opposite traffic in the segments it sends.
In essence, the sequencing of the data stream is the main principle of TCP. The problem of keeping it synchronized, however, is not a simple one.
TCP Header Format
Next, we’ll define the message header and describe its fields. The TCP header is seemingly simple, but contains a lot of information about the communication state.
The TCP header is 20 octets in size5:
0 15 31
| source port | destination port |
| sequence number |
| acknowledgment number |
| HL | rsvd |C|E|U|A|P|R|S|F| window size |
| TCP checksum | urgent pointer |
The Source Port and Destination Port fields are used to establish multiple connections from and to hosts. Namely, the Berkeley sockets are the prevalent interface for applications to bind to the TCP networking stack. Through ports, the networking stack knows where to direct the traffic to. As the fields are 16 bits in size, the port values range from 0 to 65535.
Since every byte in the stream is numbered, the Sequence Number represents the TCP segment’s window index. When handshaking, this contains the Initial Sequence Number (ISN).
The Acknowledgment Number contains the window’s index of the next byte the sender expects to receive. After the handshake, the ACK field must always be populated.
The Header Length (HL) field presents the length of the header in 32-bit words.
Next, several flags are presented. The first 4 bits (rsvd) are not used.
Congestion Window Reduced (C) is used for informing that the sender reduced its sending rate.
ECN Echo (E) informs that the sender received a congestion notification.
Urgent Pointer (U) indicates that the segment contains prioritized data.
ACK (A) field is used to communicate the state of the TCP handshake. It stays on for the remainder of the connection.
PSH (P) is used to indicate that the receiver should “push” the data to the application as soon as possible.
RST (R) resets the TCP connection.
SYN (S) is used to synchronize sequence numbers in the initial handshake.
FIN (F) indicates that the sender has finished sending data.
The Window Size field is used to advertise the window size. In other words, this is the number of bytes the receiver is willing to accept. Since it is a 16-bit field, the maximum window size is 65,535 bytes.
The TCP Checksum field is used to verify the integrity of the TCP segment. The algorithm is the same as for the Internet Protocol, but the input segment also contains the TCP data and also a pseudo-header from the IP datagram.
The Urgent Pointer is used when the U-flag is set. The pointer indicates the position of the urgent data in the stream.
After the header, several options can be provided. An example of these options is the Maximum Segment Size (MSS), where the sender informs the other side of the maximum size of the segments.
After the possible options, the actual data follows. The data, however, is not required. For example, the handshake is accomplished with only TCP headers.
TCP Handshake
A TCP connection usually undergoes the following phases: connection setup (handshaking), data transfer and closing of the connection. The following diagrams depicts the usual handshaking routine of TCP:
Host A’s socket is in a closed state, which means it is not accepting connections. On the contrary, host B’s socket that is bound to a specific port is listening for new connections.
Host A intends to initiate a connection with host B. Thus, A crafts a TCP segment that has its SYN flag set and also the Sequence field populated with a value (100).
Host B responds with a TCP segment that has its SYN and ACK fields set, and acknowledges A’s Sequence number by adding 1 to it (ACK=101). Likewise, B generates a sequence number (300).
The 3-way handshake is finished by an ACK from the originator (A) of the connection request. The Acknowledgement field reflects the sequence number the host next expects to receive from the other side.
Data starts to flow, mainly because both sides have acknowledged each other’s segment numbers.
This is the common scenario of establishing a TCP connection. However, several questions arise:
- How is the initial Sequence number chosen?
- What if both sides request a connection for each other at the same time?
- What if segments are delayed for some time or indefinitely?
The Initial Sequence Number (ISN) is chosen independently by both communication parties at first contact. As it is a crucial part of identifying the connection, it has to be chosen so that it is most likely unique and not easily guessable. Indeed, the TCP Sequence Number Attack6 is the situation where an attacker can replicate a TCP connection and effectively feed data to the target, impersonating as a trusted host.
The original specification suggests that the ISN is chosen by a counter that increments every 4 microseconds. This, however, can be guessed by an attacker. In reality, modern networking stacks generate the ISN by more complicated methods.
The situation where both endpoints receive a connection request (SYN) from each other is called a Simultaneous Open. This is solved by an extra message exchange in the TCP handshake: Both sides send an ACK (without knowing that the other side has done it as well), and both sides SYN-ACK the requests. After this, data transfer commences.
Lastly, the TCP implementation has to have a timer for knowing when to give up on establishing a connection. Attempts are made to re-establish the connection, usually with an exponential backoff, but once the maximum retries or the time threshold is met, the connection is deemed to be non-existant.
TCP Options
The last field in the TCP header segment is reserved for possible TCP options. The original specification provided three options, but later specifications have added many more. Next, we’ll look at the most common options.
The Maximum Segment Size (MSS) option informs the maximum TCP segment size the TCP implementation is willing to receive. The typical value for this is 1460 bytes in IPv4.
The Selective Acknowledgment (SACK) option optimizes the scenario when many packets are lost in transmit and the receiver’s window of data is filled with “holes”. To remedy the resulting degraded throughput, a TCP implementation can inform the sender of the specific packets it did not receive with SACK. Thus, the sender receives information about the state of the data in a more straight-forward manner than with the accumulating acknowledment scheme.
The Window Scale option increases the limited 16-bit window size. Namely, if both sides include this option in their handshake segments, the window size is multiplied with this scale. Having bigger window sizes are mainly important for bulk data transfer.
The Timestamps option allows the sender to place a timestamp into the TCP segment, which then can be used to calculate the RTT for each ACK segment. This information can then be used to calculate the TCP retransmission timeout.
Testing the TCP Handshake
Now that we have the TCP handshake routine mocked and it effectively listens for every port, let’s test it:
[saminiir@localhost ~]$ nmap -Pn -p 1337
Starting Nmap 7.00 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2016-05-08 19:02 EEST
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.00041s latency).
1337/tcp open waste
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.05 seconds
Because of the fact that nmap does a SYN-scan (it only waits for the SYN-ACK to decide if the target’s port is open), it is easy to fool it to think we have an application listening on the port by just returning a SYN-ACK TCP segment.
The minimum viable TCP handshake routine can be done relatively effortless by just picking a Sequence number, setting the SYN-ACK flags and calculating the checksum for the resulting TCP segment.
Next time, we’ll look into the most important responsibility of TCP: Reliable data transfer. Managing the window of the stream is essential for transmitting data with TCP and the logic for it can get somewhat complex.
Furthermore, providing applications a way to bind to the TCP implementation is done with sockets. Thus, we’ll look into the Berkeley Socket API and see if we can mock it for applications, enabling them to use our custom TCP implementation.
The source code for the project is hosted at GitHub.
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